Waste No Time

Newcomer Dammy comes flying out the gate with breezy and braggadocious new cut Waste No Time

Dagenham rapper and singer Dammy grabbed my ear and my attention almost instantly. Far too often, the music video section of the GRM Daily Youtube page consists of the lowest dregs of UK rap. Dizzying full of wannabe emulators, the bland and menial, I lose precious listening time giving these empty releases the benefit of the doubt. When, on occasion, there is a track that possesses an actual tendency to compel, to challenge, or to entertain, I can’t help but feel a rush of relief flow through me. Immediately caught in the single’s groove, Dammy wasted no time in easing my insatiable anguish. 

The new track flaunts the rapper’s skill, graft and materialism. The vibe-laden instrumental leans into R&B, brushing shoulders with a soulful bliss before retreating backwards into snappy percussion and boisterous vocals. Dammy’s flow is smooth but piercing, allowing the beat to breathe whilst also remaining firmly in control of its almost sensual timbre. Brazen in attitude, the rapper lyrically boasts and mulls, depicting his fast living, high class lifestyle, emotionless but not cynical; a commanding presence in every sense.