The Light

Some songs you need a mood or mindset to enjoy or get into, but ‘The Light’ by Malaki and Tolu Makay sets the mood. Giving you a warm feeling of sitting on the couch with a blanket over you and cup of hot chocolate with an optional Marshmallow. 

Tolu seeps in a pocket we need more of sonically, taking us through her thought process and goals she plans on ticking, while Malaki effortlessly welds the song in authenticity with his cadence flowing through like a river and the right amount of subtle 808s to kick start your heart beat when you happen to drift into bliss.

‘The Light’ as a whole speaks on being ok with the process of life. Many times we find ourselves bogged down on uncertainties and looking around to see where we fall short, this song centers our tunnel vision into a state of knowing its ok to not be a certain place at this time, to noise cancel the ridiculous chatter of social acceptance ‘Fuck a social norm’.

This release is further indication to not sleep on the Irish creative scene, to find your favourite artists now and stand by them.