Chicken Wings

South London vocalist and songwriter Samm Henshaw has dropped his next single ‘Chicken Wings’ as an early pointer for his full-length debut album ‘Untidy Soul’ set to be released in January next year. 

Songwriting always seemed to come naturally to our Reverend’s son who began pencilling rhymes for his local church at the age of 15. There are clear gospel influences in his work to date which also incorporates R&B-esque harmonising and hip-hop production for an uplifting blend of new and old. 

I’d say you have done well (or not) to avoid the soaring vocals of Henshaw as radio play is something his previous singles ‘Grow’ and ‘Broke’ absolutely demanded. Further ashore, a tour with Chance the Rapper consolidated his name on the tips of American tongues as well as collaboration with US rap duo EARTHGANG on 2019 single ‘Church’. 

‘Chicken Wings’ is as rejuvenating as a glass of freshly squeezed OJ, which may also be the drink to wash down the fast-food mentioned in the lyrics; and well if that’s what your heart wants, then that’s what it wants.