
Justina Lee Brown’s latest single, "Billiki," is a soulful blend of Afro, Funk, and Blues that packs a powerful punch. Sung in her native Yoruba, "Billiki" spins the heartbreaking tale of a young girl sent to fetch water who never returns, shedding light on the serious issues of child abuse and harassment in Nigeria and rural Africa.

Drawing from her own experiences growing up in the lively slums of Lagos, Brown pours raw emotion into the track. The music video, directed by Justina herself, adds an extra layer of intensity, bringing the story to life with vivid visuals shot in the UK.

Winner of the 2024 Swiss Blues Award, Justina Lee Brown is on a mission to make her music matter. "Billiki" isn’t just a song; it’s a call to action. Available on all major streaming platforms, it's a tune that hits hard and stays with you long after the last note fades.