1 2 Watch: Luke RV

The next artist to grace our ‘1 2 Watch’ series is Welsh talent Luke RV, who has just dropped retrospective number ‘Louis V’. 

The hip hop crooner has been offering up great consistency in his releases over the past few years, illustrating emotionally potent writing and heartfelt delivery alongside smooth, vibrant instrumentals. Based in a small working class town in South Wales called Neath, Luke’s fluid introspection and vivid realism allows his writing to stand out from the masses.

Luke has just dropped ‘Louis V’, a wistful concoction of  melancholy guitar and booming rhythm, released on his own record label, Valley Boy Records. The track is the lead single from an upcoming EP, and upholds a vital message in the modern era of social media and commercialism, portraying a narrative of not succumbing to the hypnotic gaze of societal expectations. The accompanying video was filmed at his late Nan’s house, and has a gorgeously authentic feel to it. 

Luke is an artist that you feel comfortable relating to, someone who stays true to himself and his values. He also makes some pretty great music whilst doing that. He is definitely ‘1 2 Watch’.