
Leikeli47 is unapologetic in her creative essence. Her latest single, ‘Zoom’ is jam packed with energy, hitting both highs and lows. The opening bars which quickly turn into the chorus of the track mimic a lyrical tip toe, almost falling out of her lips in a quick pitter-patter of syllables. 

Vocally, we are spoiled by Leikeli47’s sultry performance. With heavy beats entering into the picture, it would be easy for anyone to get lost in the sauce of such an eclectic and engaging arrangement but she stands center stage through every second. The track filters through several situations where negative energy threatens to ruin 47’s flow yet without fail, she delivers herself from that danger with her unwavering sense of self and downright fearlessness. 

Accompanying the single is a visual that inspires nostalgia for vintage games. The video is a 2D side scroller animation that showcases 47 and a partner fighting bad guys and collecting rewards while speeding through the city skyline. The cleverly designed route transports the duo from the city into nature and through outer space only to arrive safely at home, fully satisfied with the day’s escapades. 

We’ve always known that art imitates life, but we see it and hear it loud and clear in this single. Leikeli47 defeats anyone that dares cross her path while building her empire simultaneously. Certainly, there’s more to come.