The Pit London

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Young Adz - Daily Duppy

Bando Baby Number 29 is back with an authentic freestyle as the DBE member takes the ‘auto tune off the mic for one sec’ for GRM Daily’s latest Daily Duppy contribution.

Alongside fellow D Block Europe member DirtBike LB, the two have been creating a tuneful buzz within the scene over the years ever since the likes of their 2018 entries: ‘Gucci Mane’, ‘Better Than Yours’ and ‘ILY’ deriving from their official debut album release ‘Any Time Now’ with fellow auto-tuned star YxngBane. However, Adz strips all that back, stating it for himself across the dubious instrumental layered with a set of melancholy keys - ‘took the auto tune off/I’m back baby’. As you can imagine it came as quite the surprise to Adz’s audience, as the raw sound of the South Londoner’s voice with his brutally honest story telling are profoundly distant from the manipulated harmonies we’ve all come to love from 29’s soundscape, showing a sense of versatility from the rapper. 

Now, I’m not sure whether it was down to GRM Daily’s renowned visual experience when it comes to their Daily Duppy’s, spelling out the trials and tribulations the artists had battled over the years - or whether it was the lifting of the auto-tuned veil. Maybe it was the combination of the two. But for the lack of a better phrase, this was a pretty ‘DeEp’ one to say the least. The instrumental, the raw vocals, the subject matter and the visual experience all played a part in this ponderous entry and had the majority of us completely tapping in and consciously absorbing the story Adz’s had to get off his chest.

With YouTube comments riddled with the likes of ‘who else prefers this real rap style of Adz’ and ‘if ‘versatile’ was a person’, it seems that the streets are here for the switch up and if that’s the case then it seems like Adz may have them covered. The rapper teased us with an exclusive taste of his pending ‘Bando Baby Diaries’ album with a track earlier on this year missing the touch of his signature auto-tune, showing some potential of a fresh sound on the horizon.  

While we sit tight for some fresh DBE content, you may as well go and take in the rapper’s Daily Duppy video over on the GRM Daily channel.