The Pit London

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Artist Spotlight: Mitch

We sit down with Birmingham born star Mitch known from those Fredo PG Tip Days which was on the original MitchTape to speak about his new single Crossroads, his excitement for his brand new body of work Mitch Tape 3  to drop later this spring that depicts Mitch’s personal journey of growth and the MC’s development as an artist. He describes the mixtape himself as a “rebrand”.

The project has been in the works for 6-7 months and the process of creating it has been a journey itself, trying to cater to both old and new fans alike.

Can you give us some context about your new project?

I reckon that the last six months of the year I was working on the project. Last year I was in a different place, so the mixtape is about what I was going through. It's just a summary of what I've been doing because I've been doing a few freestyles last year and I wasn't really putting out singles. So, I guess it's just a catch up really, I haven't really got the chance to show my fans where I am musically at the moment.

What does a good year look like for you?

In my eyes, this year I want to get my best singles out, my best four singles out with good visuals getting good numbers. It’s not even just about doing good numbers. I want to grab my audience’s attention, then I’ll be happy with that. I don't want anything more than just that. I just want to get my music out. Get my best singles out, get my best foot forward, get my mixtape out because I think this mixtape has a lot of substance and I feel that what the scenes are lacking is good music and the mixtape will play for a while.

Was there ever a moment when it all clicked for you and you were like yes, I want to do music?

After I dropped two songs, I was on P110 and after like two songs the feedback was just pouring in. A lot of people were rapping at the time, I was getting a lot of good feedback and interviews by myself. At the time when I started rapping, it was a numbers game really, not like now. It was a very different time, at that time those numbers made you into a rapper.

How important was YouTube as a platform back in the day?

You had to continue the demand. Literally I dropped two videos and I was just a normal guy that had a normal Instagram and stuff and then I started getting followers and followers and I remember like the first day like opening my Instagram and stuff and seeing the increase!

What’s your relationship like with Birmingham?

Birmingham is my home and it's where it all started for me. it's where I got noticed first musically, and I didn't think it got bigger than where you’re from but now my music over spilling into different cities. 

Where are you at musically?

Yeah, I think I'm in a good place musically. Last year I wasn't putting singles out and stuff. I was doing more freestyles. But now I'm in a good place. I want to concentrate on getting more songs out instead of freestyling, I want to concentrate more on chorus’. I think songs go a longer way than freestyle. So yes, that's what I want to do this year and that's what I'm hoping to achieve with this mixtape when it comes out. I hope it goes a long way and I hope that the tracks hit, I don't think people have heard me like this before.

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