Where does it end?

The concept for Nicki Knightz’ recent video ‘Spring Haze’ is searingly real tragedy. Having become engrossed In Nicki’s Hate E.P released early September last year which houses lead single ‘Hate’ and the ironic and iconic ‘Mindwalk’ (Iconic no less for it’s superb video), I was initially attracted to ‘Spring Haze/Letter to Myself’, the 4th track on the heavy as fuck 5 track project. The reason? The sample. But it isn’t even so much WHAT they used, but the WAY. As you can see Spring Haze comes with a second Act, ‘Letter To Myself’, but this has been separated from the visuals.

The video. Weep, for you will see 1,000 realities and innumerable futures. Your stomach will lurch as your everyday vision is twisted into what you’re truly grateful that you’ll never know, and if you already know? Then this is for you.

If you are in anyway keen to progress true talent and recognise the need for a rapid reduction in the amount of lost lives, it is your duty to advertise this visual masterpiece to as many people as you possibly can, though the content can hardly be ignored. Art from The Knighthood Society is certainly not satire.