The Pit London

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Tally Man

Soulful, breezy and effervescent, Hanworth native Svetlana makes an impression on new single ’Tally Man’. Svetlana, an adept and individualistic songstress whose natural talent at creative writing led her to pick up a guitar, is compelling here with a layered vocal performance and meaningful, thematic songwriting. 

The naturalistic and luscious instrumental; bittersweet guitar chords, a decent bassline and some calming bird sound effects act as a gentle, yet well paced foundation for Svetlana to solidify her vocal prowess. The singer's voice is dynamic and gorgeous and she makes use of her wide ranging tone and pitch. The vocal harmonies that are used generously throughout give the song some sonic depth. The lyricism is attentive and philosophical, as the narrator questions humanity and existence, using themes of escapism and identity to reaffirm this uncertainty, as she asks ‘how many times do we act a fool’ and ‘why does the world just seem to cry’. The striking chorus is memorable and pretty. 

A song that is smart in its simplicity, this is a charming and engaging song from an accomplished and interesting artist.