The Pit London

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La Rosa

Remember the first time you ever had Lasagna? Looking at it skeptically; it’s pasta, but it doesn’t look like pasta. There seems to be meat in there, and another sauce that looks creamy but … it’s  a mystery. Then, you take that first bite. The depth of flavour, the layering, and the combination of ingredients are seemingly flawless. Listening to Rosa Cecilia’s La Rosa … is just like that.  

A fierce and sensual record, the song celebrates a woman’s power in learning to love herself unequivocally, independent of patriarchal pressures. Despite more ‘serious’ undertones, the topic is brought to celebratory life with trumpet and percussion parts beautifully decorating Rosa’s  infectious and danceable hooks.  

Latin influence on British culture is often overlooked, especially when compared to the United States, but Rosa is helping the Latin community in the UK get that recognition. Rosa’s soulful hooks, introspective lyrics, and consistent and energetic live performances have led to the up and-coming artist playing shows at Lafayette, supporting Marina Sena, The Jazz Cafe, full band headline shows at Peckham Audio and Hootananny Brixton, as well as performing at Latino Life in  the Park 2022 (the UK’s biggest Latin music festival).