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Artist Spotlight: BLK

BLK look set to take over. The three piece R&B girl group - consisting of solo artists Bexk, Lilac x and Khatalia - are bringing a fresh approach to a throwback style; sounding and looking like no one else in a Toronto scene that is thriving, and breaking convention wherever you gaze into its vibrant depths.

The band have just released their EP, ‘Girl Magic’; an articulate, upbeat and unapologetic self-empowering collection of songs - infectious and powerful in equal measure. Whether stunning you with their celestial vocal ability or lending gorgeous grooves to your ear drums, you’ll be sure to come away from listening to BLK in an enhanced mood.

I caught up with the girls to chat about their colourful EP, the ins and outs of the group dynamic, and their plot for world domination.

How has the pandemic affected your creativity?

Bexk - This pandemic has actually made me more focused and gave me a chance to tap into a different level of my craft. The past year I’ve been pushing myself and my boundaries.

Lilac x - This recent global event has stopped time for me. Everything had been put on pause and we were all isolated; anything personal I suddenly had endless time to pursue, grow or fix. I’ve now figured out how to break through my walls. 

Khatalia - The pandemic actually gave me more time to spend on being creative. Creativity as an artist as myself is never ending but the duties of life obviously get in the way so since the world shut down, creating became my everyday life.

How did the group form?

Bexk - We were all invited to a session from our now Management Made In Sauga, we vibed and then cut our first track ‘F.W.M’ together.

Lilac x - The stars aligned at the beginning of 2019 summer and then we followed suit. 

Khatalia - It’s surreal how everything panned out. Almost like it was meant to be. The universe surely did its thing here. 

Who influences you in your music and image?

Bexk - I’m personally influenced by my moods, situations I’m in and family & friends.

Lilac x - My current emotion and experiences, I create as I live. 

Khatalia - Definitely my life, how I feel/am at the moment or how I want to feel/am in a moment. Music is therapy honestly, and image wise I just embody me lol which is ever changing.

How does the dynamics of the group work? Do you all take equal control in every process, or do you allocate based on strengths and weaknesses?

Bexk - It really depends on the song and direction of the song, but usually we try to make sure we’re each included in the song process.

Lilac x - None of us are set in stone for roles. We pick each other up when/where needed. And we blend together our different worlds like a smoothie.

Khatalia - We definitely don’t allocate on strength and weaknesses because our goal as a unit is to make sure we’re all strong in everything and there’s always something we can all learn from each other to be better versions of ourselves. We’re basically a power team constantly growing and evolving through working together.

How about the writing process work? Do all 3 of you write together or do you write separate tracks and then decide which to take forward? 

Bexk - Our first ep ‘Girl Magic’ we wrote together.

Lilac x - A mix of both but striving to write together when we’re able or feel there’s a specific cohesiveness we’re looking for. I have a habit of leaving the room to go write by myself and then coming back lol. 

Khatalia - We definitely always try to write together so that the music still feels personal/ “like ours” as a unit. And there’s something special when we write together because you get 3 worlds effortlessly combined into one.

How do you work as a team? Is it always smooth sailing?

Bexk - We were all three solo artists before forming BLK & there’s always obstacles when working in a group but we make sure we always overcome them.

Lilac x - As with any new crew, the take off from shore was a bit shaky until we learned to be harmonious and now we ride waves like we’re surfing, EAZY.

Khatalia - As is any team, it’s all about relationships and relationships take hard work. It takes understanding each other, understanding our boundaries, etc. and most importantly the want to do these things. The great thing about us is we want to because we all know there’s something special we are creating in this world. 

Toronto R&B is really popping right now with artists like BADBADNOTGOOD, LOONY and Charlotte Day Wilson some of the frontrunners. Where do you see yourself fitting into the scene?

Bexk - We respect the scene here in Toronto, but we formed this group with the intent of not fitting in. Lilac always says there’s no template to a woman and we applied it to this group. We’re different but a different the city needs. 

Lilac x - There isn’t a shelf for artists, I believe there’s an infinity of room for art. And I’m basking in all the new sounds around us and we do our thing in this. 

Khatalia - Like Bexk said, we have no intent to fit in and naturally we just don’t fit in which is a good thing. From me growing up in Montreal and having different musical influences to Lilac and her very unique sound and Bexk with her sick lyricism, it’s bound to be different no matter what.

Did you think there was a gap in the scene that you can/are filling?

Bexk - 110%!! 

Lilac x - As I said before I think there’s room for everyone and anything new to have a space. We’re definitely adding to the nebula of music. 

Khatalia - Absolutely!

To me, ‘Girls’ feels like a brash, sexy anthem about female empowerment and self-love. Where did the idea for the song come from? 

Bexk - For sure! The song is like a lil reminder to always remember your worth! 

Lilac x - Our real life experiences always play the biggest influence in our music, it’s no different with girls! 

Khatalia - The idea came from our experiences. I’m sure we’ve all had that guy or girl who’s done us wrong or who couldn’t give what we needed, and it’s in loving ourselves to know that we deserve better and we won’t settle for anything less than that.

How important is being relatable and connecting with the audience in your music? I think ‘Girls’ does a brilliant job of that.

Bexk - It’s extremely important that we stay true to ourselves while also making sure we’re making art that our fans relate to.

Lilac x - I’m constantly trying to find the balance between writing the way I’d like to write and being relatable. I’m retable but you’re not understanding what I’m saying are you really relating . I’m an alien, don't mind me. 

Khatalia - I mean music is what brings us all together, for us it’s simply us sharing our experiences and for our audience it’s them having that shared experience and being able to listen to it in a song we create.

Talk me through some of the themes and motifs of your new EP, ‘BLK Girl Magic’.

Bexk - Female empowerment is a big one for sure the name says it all! girl M A G I C

Lilac x - It’s the transparent diary of a BOD GYAL. To feel is your greatest strength.

Khatalia - It’s BLK talking our Sh*ttt

How was the writing/recording process? Did you enjoy it?

Bexk - Love being in the studio, it’s one of my favourite places to be! Being able to just sit and write, sing & create for 7-8 hours straight was amazing! 

Lilac x - Most days are great! But I do have a couple off days where I get some severe writer's block. I just go find a quiet spot and work my way through the wall and return when I’m ready which is usually anywhere between 10 mins to 45 mins. 

Khatalia - I love writing and I love being able to learn from these girls as well vice versa. Honestly I live to create.

If you are introducing someone to your music that you’ve never heard before, what track are you putting on?

Bexk - Girls 110%! 

Lilac x - If I had to pick one song then it has to be Got It. To this day even with the EP out it’s our best song for representation of who we are. It’s the first song we put out for a reason. 

Khatalia - I’d go on our EP girl magic and press shuffle cause they all bops.

What’s next for BLK?

Bexk - Music, art, fashion, tv!! Everything! 

Lilac x - Any and everything. We plan to touch all regions of business and art. 

Khatalia - Taking over the world babyyy.

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