The Pit London

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Growth Freestyle

KAM-BU, a South West London emcee, has dreams of making more than just his music stand the test of time. The Brixton raised 23-year old champions sustainability and environmentalism in between dropping music he believes differs from the drill and grime monotony which envelopes South West London.

His latest drop, a freestyle on GRM Daily, showcases a soup of styles obtained through a musically cultured, Jamaican-shaped childhood. ‘Growth’ may appear your typical GRM offering, but right off the bat, from the first orchestral string, it is evident KAM-BU’s direction and message goes beyond any genre or stereotype. Even his name is a nod to self-appreciation, BU- be you.

Our young emcee hopes to use his name and status to enforce societal change, especially on issues of racial injustice, which he previous single ‘Black on Black’ tackles well. For now, KAM-BU is taking in the sunlight, absorbing the nutrients from his roots, and us mere mortals, we are just witnessing the growth.