Artist Spotlight: LOELASH

LOELASH is the human personification of the word multidisciplinary. With his debut album ‘Fantasia he pays homage to the musical influences that raised him, while simultaneously pushing the boundaries that currently exist in established genres. Jazz and House serve as his home base yet throughout this release he evolves the two and turns them into something that is recognizable yet unmistakably a departure in the most enticing way.  

Getting his start in classical instruments such as piano and saxophone, LOELASH grew into his abilities from a young age. Once he mastered those initial undertakings, he turned to the digital realm. It’s in this world that he truly found his voice and taste level as a budding artist. He began making beats, fusing them with his classical influences and the rest was history. 

There’s a method to the development of his music that is unprecedented for someone at this stage in their career. LOELASH shows a true mastery and deep understanding of music, genres, and their history. It’s with this foundation that he is able to truly create a clear path and delve into his own world. Combining genres is the only way to continue to push boundaries in his perspective and it’s something that he does very mindfully, resulting in intricate productions that are sonically irreverent. Every note is thought through and followed by an equally calculated chord. It’s this level of detail that sets LOELASH apart. 

LOELASH’s debut album titled, ‘Fantasia’ releases worldwide on November 12th. Following the launch of the project, his debut performance will be hosted at Peckham Audio on November 21st where he invites all fans to join him in celebrating the next step in his journey. Tickets can be found on