Artist Spotlight: LIFE


In the wake of LIFE’s release Jones EP, we caught up with the rapper to pick his brain on his humble beginnings and the road he had to take to reach where he is today. Still fresh in the game but making plenty of noise, LIFE has received relentless support from credible publications to heavyweight co-signs from superstars such as Common. From a young age, this artist has been surrounded by the greats from Quincy Jones to Gladys Knight and these influences have definitely made a lasting impact on his craft.

For those ready to take a deep dive, let’s get into the nitty-gritty with West Londons newest music export.

Tramell: Your pen game seems to be inspired by the storytelling greats like Nas, Common and Slick Rick. I even hear glimmers of your contemporaries like Che Lingo. Who were your idols growing up and how did they shape your talent for music?
LIFE: That’s exactly right! Nas, Common, D’Angelo & Slum Village were all huge inspirations to me coming up! They are all unique in their own way! However, still have striking similarities from one to another!

Your music is being championed by incredible UK artists such as Etta Bond and Emmavie. You’re also well affiliated with the likes of Lord Apex and DJ Pavlos. Where do you see yourself within the UK Hip Hop scene
Aye!! Etta & Emmavie are amazing humans & very good friends of mine! It’s a blessing to even know them. To be brutally honest…. I know there may be other similar artists to me out there but in regards to exactly what it is that I do I feel like I’m very much in my own lane! I rarely hear records with the same attention to sonic details! I take huge pride in that!

What’s your opinion on how the scene is developing at the moment?
I’m actually beyond content! Even though I believe we still have work to do, it’s very refreshing to see artists like Lord Apex & Che Lingo *at the forefront of things you know? It gives me hope that we (UK Hip-Hop) & myself are headed towards the right direction!

Who are you bumping heavy in your playlists right now?
WELLLL…. I really love what our ladies are doing right now!! So I’ve got Tiana Major9, Cleo Sol, Emmavie, Sasha Keable & Etta Bond in HEAVY rotation! They all have some amazing music out now that I’d urge you all to listen to!! I also love the new WSTRN record!


Jones EP was released last month and is an inspiring piece of work. What are some of the underlying themes you explored in the project?
Great question… the main topic I was adamant on shedding light on was LOVE!! Love in its various capacities! So how does the love I have for my first crush compare/differ to the woman I’ve been seeing on/off for the last half a decade?? Are they the same person??? I answer all on the record!!

To my ear, the musical backdrop of ‘Jones’ EP is traditional in the sense that it is based off programmed live instruments, cut-up samples and is very New York inspired. Who did you work with to achieve this sound?
Another great question! The production process was imperative to me! I’m a huge fan of jazz music, mainly because of the time signatures, they are so unorthodox, wildly unorthodox at times yet still don’t alienate you… I believe that to be an art in itself! We sampled jazz/blues records & I also had the amazing PRGRSHN play some live parts on the songs for an additional feel you know…? (He produced the entire Tiana Major9 & Sasha Keable EPs) Take “Girls Don’t Mind f/ Aanya Martin” for example… The middle 8 of the song has some lovely jazz style keys played by PRGRSHN! - JONES was produced by an LA based genius by the name of “Ahwlee” he produced every song entirely with the exception of the records that PRGRSHN played on!

How would you like your audience to experience the project?
All in all… I just want it to be a pleasurable listen that you can experience no matter what you’re doing! Cleaning the house, on ya way to work, late-night drive after the club?? I tried to make something for each of those times you know..?

At what moment did you know “it’s ready”?
I didn’t know, I had to be told by everyone around me that I was overthinking and it’s time to hit the road with this sh*t!! Sometimes as an artist, you’re the person creating all the music right… so it’s very easy to get consumed in becoming precious about the music. When you’re deep in that state of mind, the music could’ve actually been finished 7 mixes ago but you’d never realise!

What can we expect from you coming into the new year?
I have some amazing new music around the corner! Just need to get back in the studio and finish the stuff up! But I’m very excited about what’s coming next!!

Thank you for letting us get some insight into your mind. Last question - if could change anything about the music industry, what would it be?
I’d make it compulsory for EVERY major record label that makes over a certain amount per year to facilitate grants for Independent artists! Within reason of course… so, for example, an artist would need to have a roll-out plan for the next year set in place before being considered!

To get a deeper insight into LIFE’s mind, make sure you check out and dissect his latest project ‘Jones’ below.